Sunday, February 27, 2011

OK - So this is what I am looking for friends :)

In his book Star Wars Jesus, Caleb Grimes gives a parallel example of an occurrence that transpires in the movie and one that happens in the Bible and I would ask - does this make the two character alike?  Can we connect other attributes or characteristics from other sections in the Bible?  Does this great imagery connect the apostle Peter to Luke?  Is Luke most like Peter?  Or Paul?  Maybe Jesus?  Thoughts??

Here is the quote, "the raising of the X-wing from the swamp is very similar to the apostle Peter wanting to walk on water with Jesus.  The disciples are in the boat and they see Jesus walking toward them across the Sea of Galilee.  Peter is the picture of active faith when he jumps out of the boat to meet Jesus; he actually walks on water.  Then he sees what he is doing, and even though he is actually walking on the water he knows is impossible, and starts to sink beneath the surface.  Jesus picks him up and together they climb into the boat.  Beside the obvious connection of Peter and the X-wing sinking in the water, both the apostle Peter and Luke Skywalker allow a supernatural power to work in and through them to levitate mass and defy gravity.  More importantly, both have a failure of faith, directly after experiencing great successes."