Sunday, January 16, 2011


This blog is designed to facilitate open discussion for the purposes of participating in research helping me to investigate for my Capstone Thesis Paper for Graduation this May at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and is being conducted by William Blanck.  In this research you will periodically be asked to answer various questions on the characters in the Star Wars™ movie series and give your opinion on the question being proposed at the moment (e.g. Which character most resembles God in Star Wars™ and why?).  While your responses may be identifiable to others on the blog through your username, please be assured that any information you provide will be held in strict confidence for the purpose of the research paper.  At no time will your name be reported along with your responses.  Please understand that your participation in this research is totally voluntary and you are free to withdraw at any time from participation.  By contributing to the conversation, you are acknowledging that you have been informed of, and understand, the nature and purpose of the research, and freely consent to participate.  

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