Sunday, January 16, 2011

Starting off the discussion:

As the forum leader - I would like to see this site be a basis for people to interact with each other and have "engaging" discussions that provoke thought about the characters in Star Warsand who they "most closely" resemble in the Bible in terms of attributes.  I say "most closely because there is not always an exact fit and humankind is always trying to contextualize or make things fit into a Christian Message when often it really shouldn't be a part of the discussion.  That being said - there are no wrong answers and feel free to jump into the discussion and add thought to areas where many of us may not have pondered.  

First Questions to discuss:  Which characters in Star Warsare most like: God; Jesus; Satan; the apostles; the prophets?


  1. Luke is Jesus, only with much anger in him, but that would make Vader God and that doesn't work, so maybe Luke isn't Jesus, but merely another savior figure, Han Solo is Paul, or maybe that's Lando, Chewbaca is, I don't know, Yoda is the Holy Spirit or maybe that's C3PO, but no, he doesn't have the confidence that the spirit does, maybe that should be R2, the emperor, well he has to be Satan no way around that one.

  2. Thanks for jumping in Jerry. With you totally on the Emperor - he is complete evil incarnate. Only wishes death and destruction of good in the Jedi. Yoda is a tough one. Have you thought of him as a prophet? Maybe like Solomon? Possess much knowledge does he?

  3. Qui-Gon Jinn could be shown as a John the Baptist figure, coming before the "Chosen one" and heralding his coming. I would consider Anakin as more of a Christ-like figure than Luke, even though Luke is the Son. Anakin is the one claimed to be the chosen one and even his conception was immaculate like Jesus'(His mother in Phantom Menace tells Qui-Gon 'There was no father'.)

  4. Ah, but having Anakin as a Christ figure implies the eventual fall of Christ, as Anakin has enough evil in him to turn to the darkside and the connotations there are not good.

  5. From my Uncle:

    Following blog...tried to post, but EPIC FAIL - I do not know how to "Comment As" here is what I tried to say - please share it with your friend! :)

    Anakin is born of a virgin, but then does become Darth Vader, it's true...however, Luke shows his father at the end of Return of the Jedi that he still has good in him, and basically gets him to repent. Darth Vader/Anakin eventually overthrows the Emperor, which can be seen as a parallel to Christ conquering Satan, so even though Anakin was able to be lead down the path of evil for a time, he still stands out as the strongest parallel to Jesus Christ. Keep in mind that it is only a parallelism, so not every last detail needs to line up perfectly. Yoda, to whom Luke was sent to be trained must be seen as a sort of teacher figure - not sure what you would do with that. I am not nearly as well-versed or read in the bible as others participating in the discussion. I think that there were some people in Australia once who actually tried to claim that their religion was Jedi, and they actually were taken! - From UncleNathen
